A fun article in DC Theatere Scene this month!
As the Washington DC area continues to grow as a cultural center for performing arts, one mysterious industry has begun to appear within the District. Seemingly out of nowhere, but really, with a calculated and careful practice, a group of magicians and mentalists have settled into the city and made the magical arts an avenue for entertainment, education and wonder.
Michael Jons
While so many of these in-DC magicians perform skilled misdirections and artful displays of physical impossibilities, one of the curious talents these individuals share is their ability to ‘read minds.’ Michael Jons, a classically trained mind-reader, describes his work in the upcoming Wicked Thoughts as a study into how our personal and group minds are being manipulated, whether it be by politicians, social-media, and propaganda.
“Wicked Thoughts” is my attempt to tell a story which explores the current state of our culture through interactive theater and stage mentalism,” Jons explains. “The audience is the main character of the show, and who better than an expert in behavior and persuasion to help make sense of the current state of our mind?”
In the end, the work each one of these artists deliver a production that is as much theatrical as it is cerebral, in what is a growing genre for DC.
“Our primary goal is always to entertain people,” Jons says. “It’s all about sharing a fun, unique experience. If you go to a comedy club, you expect to laugh. Similarly, if you attend any one of these magic shows, you should expect to experience amazement.”