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Michael Jons News

An Unexpected Message!

I was surprised and delighted to receive a really kind 5-star review on the Michael Jons' Psychic Cabaret Yelp page yesterday. It was surprising because I last performed the show over 4 years ago!

The message couldn't have come at a better time. I just recently started to feel the itch to work on a new show. Thank you Susan for giving me the encouragement I needed to hear today. Perhaps there are no coincidences.

Hello again!

I don't know why, but today I had the sudden urge to post something here on my website. It's not something that I've even thought about doing in a very, very long time. Only after opening the page did I realize the significance of today's date -- it has been exactly one year since I made my last post. It boggles my mind to think that an entire year has slipped by. It feels like a year lost in time.

One year ago today I had just finished my performances of "Michael Jon's Wicked Thoughts" at the Greenbelt Arts Center. It was a short but incredibly satisfying run of my new theater show. I remain extremely pleased with what we were able to accomplish in that production. "Wicked Thoughts" had been in development for several years and it felt like it finally all came together. The show was a joy to perform. I'm grateful we were able to do the show before the pandemic shut down all live entertainment. I don't think any of us imagined that we would be dark for so long.

Now, a full year later, the warmer weather, sunshine and fresh spring air is once again carrying the energy of hope and renewal. It looks like we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and imagine a time in the near future where we can safely get together once again. I had my first conversation today about scheduling a performance for later this year. I can't tell you how good that feels. It's like waking up from a groggy state of hibernation. It's wonderful.

The past 12 months have been a wild ride for all of us. I hope that you are as ready as I am to get back out into the world and reconnect with each other in person. The lockdown has been particularly devastating for restaurants, entertainment and the arts. But pendulums swing both ways and I believe that the end of this pandemic may bring an explosion of new life and energy.

I have no idea when I will be able to do a live show again. But I think I speak for the entire entertainment industry when I say that we want nothing more than to be able to get back to work as quickly as we can. When that time comes, I do hope you will come out and join us! 

Who knows, we may end up having a roaring 20's after all!

Michael Jons featured in DC Theatre Scene

A fun article in DC Theatere Scene this month!

As the Washington DC area continues to grow as a cultural center for performing arts, one mysterious industry has begun to appear within the District. Seemingly out of nowhere, but really, with a calculated and careful practice, a group of magicians and mentalists have settled into the city and made the magical arts an avenue for entertainment, education and wonder.

Michael Jons

While so many of these in-DC magicians perform skilled misdirections and artful displays of physical impossibilities, one of the curious talents these individuals share is their ability to ‘read minds.’ Michael Jons, a classically trained mind-reader, describes his work in the upcoming Wicked Thoughts as a study into how our personal and group minds are being manipulated, whether it be by politicians, social-media, and propaganda.

“Wicked Thoughts” is my attempt to tell a story which explores the current state of our culture through interactive theater and stage mentalism,” Jons explains. “The audience is the main character of the show, and who better than an expert in behavior and persuasion to help make sense of the current state of our mind?”

In the end, the work each one of these artists deliver a production that is as much theatrical as it is cerebral, in what is a growing genre for DC.

“Our primary goal is always to entertain people,” Jons says. “It’s all about sharing a fun, unique experience. If you go to a comedy club, you expect to laugh. Similarly, if you attend any one of these magic shows, you should expect to experience amazement.”



Wearing Tin Foil Hats Will Not Stop Michael Jons From Reading Your Mind!

I'm so happy that somebody in the lighting booth managed to take a picture of the audience getting seated at my show at the Tawas Bay Playhouse.

I walked out on stage at the start of the show only to see two gentlemen in the third row with thier heads wrapped in tin foil! They were hoping that thier tin foil hats would prevent me from hacking into thier heads during the show. I love these guys!

Of course, I HAD to call on them first. I can now confidently report that wearing a tin foil hat to my show will NOT prevent Michael Jons from reading your thoughts. 

Great new stamps from the USPS

Crystal Gazer Stamp from the USPS
The US Postal Service just issued a really cool set of new magic stamps. Its a series of 5 designs available as stamps and posters. Of course I think the crystal gazer design is the best! Check them all out at the USPS online store: https://store.usps.com/store/results?Ntt=art+of+magic

Fortune-Telling by Cards

Fortune Telling By Cards by Professor P.R.S. Foli, 1915At "The Psychic Cabaret" Michael Jons shows us how to read people, thoughts and fortunes. A few people have asked about the 100-year-old books that inspired the show. One of them is "Fortune Telling by Cards" written by Professor P.R.S. Foli, first published in 1915.

Sir Cyril Arthur Pearson, 1st Baronet, GBE (24 February 1866 – 9 December 1921) was a British newspaper magnate and publisher, most noted for founding the Daily Express. He was educated at the prestigious Winchester College in Hampshire. A philanthropist, in 1892 he established the charitable Fresh Air Fund, still in operation and now known as Pearson's Holiday Fund, to enable disadvantaged children to partake in outdoor activities. In 1898, he purchased the Morning Herald, and in 1900 merged it into his new creation, the halfpenny Daily Express. The Express was a departure from the papers of its time and created an immediate impact by carrying news instead of only advertisements on its front page. In 1898, Pearson founded The Royal Magazine, a monthly literary magazine which remained in publication until 1939. 

During 1900s time period, Pearson was also active as a writer, and wrote a number of tourist guides to locations in Britain and Europe. Under the pseudonym of "Professor P R S Foli", he wrote Handwriting as an Index to Character in 1902, as well as works on fortune-telling and dream interpretation. 

If you're interested in taking a peek at what's inside, you can download a pdf copy of the book here: Fortune Telling by Cards, Professor P R S Foli, 1915

Tickets for October 2017 shows are now on sale:

  • Sunday October 1, 2017 at 5:00pm
  • Sunday October 15, 2017 at 5:00pm 

Something Wicked This Way Comes!

Something is brewing in the mind of Micheal Jons -- a new stage show to premiere this winter in Washington, DC! 

This show promises to be unlike anything you have ever seen before. If you would like to be the first to find out all the details as they become available, please join the mailing list below. You will not want to miss out on what promises to be a thrilling evening of psychological theater.

A Hollywood Feature Film about Psychic Micheal Jons?!

I always imagined that Matt Damon would play me in a feature film, but I think Rich Sommer from "MAD MEN" is a great choice too!

I can neither confirm nor deny that the new black comedy starring Ed Harris and Rich Sommer called, "A Crooked Somebody" is about a character based on ME, but take a look at the movie's plot description: 

"Sommer will play master showman Michael Jons, a self-dubbed psychic medium and charismatic charlatan who is kidnapped by an emotionally unhinged man."

Awesome! They think I'm charismatic!

Although the script was written with the "charismatic psychic" main character named Micheal Jons, they changed the name in the final film to Michael Vaughn -- I guess they didn't want to imply that the caracter is REALLY me. This isn't a documentary. Besides, Michael Vaughn is only a pretend psychic.

All I can say is that it sounds like the movie is about an absolutely fascinating - and handsome - guy!

Cant' wait for the film's release!

Preparations begin for the return of the Psychic Cabaret.

Preparations begin for the return of the Psychic Cabaret.

It's a rainy day in Washington, DC but perfect  weather to break out my 100 year old copy of, "A Course of Advanced Lessons in Clairvoyance and Occult Powers."  Time to get my telepathy powers back in shape in preparation for the return of the "Psychic Cabaret"! I can't wait to get the show back on its feet and share it with DC audiences.

I am thinking of doing a series of workshop shows this summer around Washington DC. Mindreading can be difficult a dificult thing to practice. Its not something you can do alone. It's kind of like sex. To do it right, you really need at least one other person involved.

If you'd like to attend one of the summer workshop shows, please email me or join the mailing list. 

I'm currently looking for a good home for the show in Washington, DC and hoping to start regularly scheduled performances in the fall.

Micheal Jons Reading Minds in Washington DC

Micheal Jons Reading Minds in Washington DC

Wow! Has it been a year already?!

I can't believe how quickly time has flown since we moved to Washington, DC. Its a great city to visit and a GREAT city for live entertainment. I think I saw 26 live theatrical productions last year ranging from musicals at The Kennedy Center to small theater workshop productions. I think I'm on track to beat that number this year. 

Washington also has an amazing community of professional magicians and mystery performers. I saw magicians Brian Curry and Mark Phillips in their Catch Me - A Magic Duel show last year and liked it so much that I took my whole family to see it when they visited me last week. I can not recommend it highly enough. They do a great job -- in fact, I think it is one of the best, and definitely the funniest, magic shows I have ever seen. Be sure to catch their show if you are in the DC area. You will NOT be disappointed!

The astounding mind reading duo Jeff & Tessa Evason and man of mystery Alain Nu also call the DC area home. They are all great performers and really nice people. I make it a point catch their performances whenever I possibly can.

I'm planning to bring The Psychic Cabaret to DC audiences in the very near future. Stay tuned! I do predict that 2016 is going to be an awesome year.