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News & Reviews

Get Psyched! - New Times Review of The Psychic Cabaret

New Times writer Dana Krangel thinks "The Psychic Cabaret," may be one of the greatest date nights of all time! 

We agree!!


Is there anything more classic than dinner and a show? And no, we don't mean McDonald's and a movie. (Though, if that's your thing, we're sure someone out there still loves you.)  Take a chance and class up your life with homegrown Italian food and a live performance from psychic Michael Jons. A mentalist and psychic entertainer, Jons has produced a show that is part mind-boggling, part hilarious. The Psychic Cabaret is a highly interactive experience that sees Jons talking with audience members to pinpoint things about their lives in Long Island Medium fashion.

Everyone has hoped they could read minds, and Jons says he has what it takes to make it happen for real. His show is an impressive feat, one that might make for the greatest date of all time. It's a completely different twist on the dinner-and-a-show concept, one that will leave you looking like a rock star. And that might even be because you make it onstage. The show peaks with psychic readings for the audience that are surprising and laugh-worthy.

Are you ready to find out what an open mind really means? The Psychic Cabaret starring Michael Jons is Friday at Bona Italian Restaurant, located at 2648 Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Admission is free, but you must call to reserve a seat. Showtimes are at 7 and 9 p.m. Visit michaeljons.com. 
Fri., July 25, 7 & 9 p.m., 2014

Article online: http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/2014-07-24/calendar/get-psyched/


The Psychic Cabaret - Amazing! Full of Humor and Heart!


Thank you to all the fun and interesting people who came to The Psychic Cabaret last night. We had two really great shows.

We added some new material to the show this week. For the first time ever I taught the audience how to read a person's mind -- and they were AMAZING at it! 


We let audience members fill out anonymous comment cards after the show. Here are ALL the comments we received last night -- unedited!:


  • “Loved it All! ”
  • “The show was very entertaining and way more fun than I expected.”
  • “Fun and unpredictable, full of surprises.”
  • “Amazeballs!”
  • “The readings were amazing.”
  • “The Psychic Cabaret is awesome. Full of surprises and will keep you on the edge.”
  • “Awesome! Better than expected.”
  • “Truly amazing entertainment.”
  • “Amazing!”
  • “Full of humor and heart.”
  • “The show was excellent.”
  • “Great Show!”
  • “Michael Jons has a great personality and knows how to entertain!”


Much of our audience last night were referred by people who saw the first show. I consider that a wonderful compliment. Thank you!


Please continue to spread the word and make your reservations early. We're extending our current series of shows through September and may add consider additional performances if needed. Be sure to join the mailing list to receive updates.


The Psychic Cabaret Begins it's Summer Series

Michael Jons debuted his mind-boggling and hilarious new show "The Psychic Cabaret" last night at the Wine Bar at Bona Italian Restaurant in Wilton Manors, Florida.

The room was filled to capacity with an audience that was ready to have a great time! This was the first "sneak peek" performance of the show so the audience had no idea what to expect from the master mindreader.

After the show, members of the audience were invited to anonymously share their opinions of the show. Here's what they had to say about "The Psychic Cabaret:"

"Simply Fantastic!"
"You are GOOD!"
"Simply Amazing!"
"Wonderfully full of surprises!"
"It was awesome - but he knew I’d say that!"
"Great Talent"
"Will Blow your mind in a very happy way."

Preview performances are schedule for June, July, August and September. Please join us for the next performance of The Psychic Cabaret -- it will be an evening that you won't ever forget!

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