Hello again!
I don't know why, but today I had the sudden urge to post something here on my website. It's not something that I've even thought about doing in a very, very long time. Only after opening the page did I realize the significance of today's date -- it has been exactly one year since I made my last post. It boggles my mind to think that an entire year has slipped by. It feels like a year lost in time.
One year ago today I had just finished my performances of "Michael Jon's Wicked Thoughts" at the Greenbelt Arts Center. It was a short but incredibly satisfying run of my new theater show. I remain extremely pleased with what we were able to accomplish in that production. "Wicked Thoughts" had been in development for several years and it felt like it finally all came together. The show was a joy to perform. I'm grateful we were able to do the show before the pandemic shut down all live entertainment. I don't think any of us imagined that we would be dark for so long.
Now, a full year later, the warmer weather, sunshine and fresh spring air is once again carrying the energy of hope and renewal. It looks like we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and imagine a time in the near future where we can safely get together once again. I had my first conversation today about scheduling a performance for later this year. I can't tell you how good that feels. It's like waking up from a groggy state of hibernation. It's wonderful.
The past 12 months have been a wild ride for all of us. I hope that you are as ready as I am to get back out into the world and reconnect with each other in person. The lockdown has been particularly devastating for restaurants, entertainment and the arts. But pendulums swing both ways and I believe that the end of this pandemic may bring an explosion of new life and energy.
I have no idea when I will be able to do a live show again. But I think I speak for the entire entertainment industry when I say that we want nothing more than to be able to get back to work as quickly as we can. When that time comes, I do hope you will come out and join us!
Who knows, we may end up having a roaring 20's after all!